33 research outputs found

    Degradation processes and the methods of securing wall crests

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    The protection of historical ruins requires solution of doctrinal and technical problems. Technical problems concern above all preservation of walls, which are exposed to the influence of atmospheric factors. The problem that needs to be solved in any historic ruin is securing of wall crests. Form of protection of the wall crests depends on many factors, mainly technical features of the wall and architectural and conservatory vision. The following article presents three aspects important for protection of wall crests. Firstly, analysis of features of the wall as a structure, secondly the characteristics of destructive agents, thirdly forms of protection of wall crests. In the summary of the following article, advantages and disadvantages of each method of preservation of the wall crests were presented.The protection of historical ruins requires solution of doctrinal and technical problems. Technical problems concern above all preservation of walls, which are exposed to the influence of atmospheric factors. The problem that needs to be solved in any historic ruin is securing of wall crests. Form of protection of the wall crests depends on many factors, mainly technical features of the wall and architectural and conservatory vision. The following article presents three aspects important for protection of wall crests. Firstly, analysis of features of the wall as a structure, secondly the characteristics of destructive agents, thirdly forms of protection of wall crests. In the summary of the following article, advantages and disadvantages of each method of preservation of the wall crests were presented

    Value assessment of Zamość from the perspective of 25 years on UNESCO World Heritage List

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    The historical center of Zamość was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1992 and over next 25 years the city has undergone great changes. Thanks to numerous restoration, preservation and maintenance works we are now able to admire the beauty of its monuments and perfect spatial harmony. But this is not the end of planned work. Zamość Old Town is a historical part of a vibrant city and therefore needs to evolve constantly in order to satisfy the contemporary requirements of urban population. Concurrently, over that period of time theory of conservation and preservation of monuments and evaluation methodology of the value of goods inscribed on World Heritage List have developed significantly. Hence, the 25th anniversary is a perfect occasion for a renewed evaluation of Zamość Old Town’s value and more in-depth analysis in accordance with current methodology and state of knowledge. It enables further specification and indication of authentic and material carriers of its value which determine its further existence. At the same time, it will allow indicating the limits of possible interference. In addition to this, the outcome of this thorough analysis will be of great use in taking decisions on further actions and investments, which is particularly important with monuments so heterogeneous as a historical city center.The historical center of Zamość was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1992 and over next 25 years the city has undergone great changes. Thanks to numerous restoration, preservation and maintenance works we are now able to admire the beauty of its monuments and perfect spatial harmony. But this is not the end of planned work. Zamość Old Town is a historical part of a vibrant city and therefore needs to evolve constantly in order to satisfy the contemporary requirements of urban population. Concurrently, over that period of time theory of conservation and preservation of monuments and evaluation methodology of the value of goods inscribed on World Heritage List have developed significantly. Hence, the 25th anniversary is a perfect occasion for a renewed evaluation of Zamość Old Town’s value and more in-depth analysis in accordance with current methodology and state of knowledge. It enables further specification and indication of authentic and material carriers of its value which determine its further existence. At the same time, it will allow indicating the limits of possible interference. In addition to this, the outcome of this thorough analysis will be of great use in taking decisions on further actions and investments, which is particularly important with monuments so heterogeneous as a historical city center

    Selected problems of protecting and managing historical ruins in Poland

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    Historical ruins have long been the object of interest for the research –workers of various disciplines as well as the conservators of historical monuments. The main problem is the form of protection. The standard of protecting ruins in the so-called permanent ruin form was elaborated two centuries ago, however, it is still the subject of numerous discussions, conferences, scientific-research works. The main source of doubts as to the permanent ruin is its incompleteness,(deficiency) illegibility and the highly restricted possibilities of making any use of it, whereas the contemporary protection of monuments assumes their accessibility and the widest possible use for contemporary functions. That is why the main issue in contemporary maintenance of historical ruins is to ensure them a proper management system. The problem of protecting historical ruins has universal character. In Poland it concerns the resources of about 200 historical ruins, first and foremost of the mediaeval castles. That is why the Polish conservator circles have intensified the works aiming at the solution of the problem through the organization of programs, projects and conferences. A highly estimated result of those efforts is a programmatic document entitled “The Protection Charter of Historical Ruins”. It comprises a set of rules that determine the form of maintenance of historical ruins. However, the issues of management, development and use of the historical ruins still await a solution.Historical ruins have long been the object of interest for the research –workers of various disciplines as well as the conservators of historical monuments. The main problem is the form of protection. The standard of protecting ruins in the so-called permanent ruin form was elaborated two centuries ago, however, it is still the subject of numerous discussions, conferences, scientific-research works. The main source of doubts as to the permanent ruin is its incompleteness,(deficiency) illegibility and the highly restricted possibilities of making any use of it, whereas the contemporary protection of monuments assumes their accessibility and the widest possible use for contemporary functions. That is why the main issue in contemporary maintenance of historical ruins is to ensure them a proper management system. The problem of protecting historical ruins has universal character. In Poland it concerns the resources of about 200 historical ruins, first and foremost of the mediaeval castles. That is why the Polish conservator circles have intensified the works aiming at the solution of the problem through the organization of programs, projects and conferences. A highly estimated result of those efforts is a programmatic document entitled “The Protection Charter of Historical Ruins”. It comprises a set of rules that determine the form of maintenance of historical ruins. However, the issues of management, development and use of the historical ruins still await a solution

    Rekomendacja o Historycznym Krajobrazie Miejskim – wdrożenie zmiany paradygmatu w ochronie miast historycznych

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    The foundations of the heritage protection - its paradigm, have been created in the first half of the 20th century. This paradigm is officially still in force - primarily because we do not have a coherent concept, which could link the requirements of the traditional protection of historic monuments and the diversity of today’s circumstances. Therefore, international document that introduces new elements, deserves particular analysis. This document is the Historic Urban Landscape Recommendation, which formulates a new approach to heritage and its protection. HUL Recommendation was adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO - the most important international meeting on culture; this is the Recommendation – such a type of document should be implemented by the Member States (which is explicitly formulated in the text of Recommendation); its subject is historical city – the most important part of heritage. From this point of view, the HUL Recommendation deserves special attention.Ochrona i zagospodarowanie miast historycznych jest jednym najtrudniejszych problemów w konserwacji zabytków. Tradycyjne podejście – zakładające utrzymanie w formie niezmienionej zabudowy i zagospodarowania przestrzennego zespołów historycznych, nie jest możliwe we współczesnych warunkach. Zespoły staromiejskie muszą się modernizować i przekształcać, dostosowując do nowych funkcji, standardów i potrzeb. Współczesna teoria konserwatorska stara się te problemy rozwiązać – Rekomendacja o Historycznym Krajobrazie Miejskim przyjęta przez UNESCO jest pierwszym dokumentem doktrynalnym, który formułuje nowe podejście do ochrony miast historycznych


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    Since 1989, the system of monument protection in Poland has been adapting to the changes occurring in the Polish political system. Defining the scope of power and duties of historic preservation services is not only a tremendously important element of these changes. It is also a key factor in how the monument protection system functions.The nature of the changes results in stakeholders playing increasingly significant role in protection of monuments and sites – they become major partners to historic preservation services. Moreover, these services may find regional government bodies having broad scope of duties pertaining to monument protection particularly useful.Increasing significance of the role that local government bodies have been playing results in the scope of power and duties of regional historic preservation offices being broadened. Local government bodies are therefore going to participate more actively in the protection of historic monuments and sites. At the same time, their actions should be inspired, planned, and coordinated by regional historic preservation services. Support and supervision, on the other hand, should be provided by state historic preservation service being independent of local government bodies. The state and local government services cannot be therefore considered an alternative – they should fully and closely cooperate with each other. For this reason, cooperation among these services should be promoted and encouraged.Since 1989, the system of monument protection in Poland has been adapting to the changes occurring in the Polish political system. Defining the scope of power and duties of historic preservation services is not only a tremendously important element of these changes. It is also a key factor in how the monument protection system functions.The nature of the changes results in stakeholders playing increasingly significant role in protection of monuments and sites – they become major partners to historic preservation services. Moreover, these services may find regional government bodies having broad scope of duties pertaining to monument protection particularly useful.Increasing significance of the role that local government bodies have been playing results in the scope of power and duties of regional historic preservation offices being broadened. Local government bodies are therefore going to participate more actively in the protection of historic monuments and sites. At the same time, their actions should be inspired, planned, and coordinated by regional historic preservation services. Support and supervision, on the other hand, should be provided by state historic preservation service being independent of local government bodies. The state and local government services cannot be therefore considered an alternative – they should fully and closely cooperate with each other. For this reason, cooperation among these services should be promoted and encouraged


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    Protection of memorial sites is becoming an increasingly important issue of heritage protection. Places of memory are places or historical objects which value arises primarily due to the meaning of their message/symbol. In sites of memory, an intangible component is more important than an intangible component - it distinguishes its from other historical objects. In places of memory, the key feature is authenticity (understood broadly, according to the Document of Nara) while integrity is less important. Conservation theory should determine the rules for sites of memory taking into account their specificity in comparison with other monuments. This problem is presented in the article.Coraz ważniejszym obszarem ochrony dziedzictwa staje się ochrona miejsc pamięci. Miejsca pamięci to miejsca lub obiekty historyczne, których wartość wynika przede wszystkim ze znaczenia komunikatu/symbolu, którego są nośnikiem. W miejscach pamięci komponent niematerialny ma większe znaczenie niż komponent niematerialny – to odróżnią je od innych obiektów historycznych. W miejscach pamięci kluczową cechą jest autentyzm (rozumiany szeroko, zgodnie z ujęciem Dokumentu z Nara), natomiast mniejsze znaczenie ma integralność. Teoria konserwatorska powinna określić zasady i formy postepowania dla miejsc pamięci uwzględniając ich specyfikę na tle innych grup typologicznych zabytków. Ten problem jest przedstawiony w artykule

    Infrastruktura informacji przestrzennej INSPIRE –branżowy profil metadanych z zakresu ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego

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    One of the topics of spatial data that will form the basis for the creation of Polish Infrastructure for Spatial Information, data on the state of the resource and the protection of cultural heritage. This article is designed to test the broader assessment of progress on the creation of Polish database of spatial information in the field of cultural heritage protection. Presents the current state, as well as insights on the possible inclusion of built file system information about the Polish monuments and cultural heritage. Studies were used as a source of available literature, data from the official websites of the institutions responsible for the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive into Polish law, and above all the materials Surveyor General of the Land and the National Heritage Board of Poland.Jednym z tematów danych przestrzennych, które będą stanowiły podstawę tworzenia Polskiej Infrastruktury Informacji Przestrzennej, są dane dotyczące zasobu i stanu ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu próbę szeroko rozumianej oceny zaawansowania prac nad tworzeniem polskiej bazy informacji przestrzennej z zakresu ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego. Przedstawiony zostanie stan obecny, a także spostrzeżenia dotyczące możliwości włączenia do budowanego systemu zbiorów informacji o zabytkach i polskim systemie ochrony dziedzictwa kulturowego. Jako źródła opracowania wykorzystano dostępną literaturę, dane z oficjalnych stron internetowych instytucji odpowiedzialnych za transpozycję Dyrektywy INSPIRE do prawa polskiego, a przede wszystkim materiały Głównego Geodety Kraju oraz Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa


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    The protection of historic ruins is a complex conservation task. This is mainly due to the ongoing destruction processes to which an incomplete object is exposed. At the same time, the character of the ruins means that most of the stakeholders support the reconstruction of historic ruins to the form of cubature objects. Therefore, the problem of protecting the ruins should be re-developed both from the theoretical as well as the practical side. From the theoretical point of view, it is important to distinguish between "historic ruin" and "contemporary ruin". From a practical point of view, it is crucial to organize protection programs that will balance the negative features of the ruins - not only will they stop the technical destruction processes but also will enable their contemporary management and use.Ochrona ruin jest trudnym zadaniem konserwatorskim. Wynika to przede wszystkim z trwających procesów destrukcji, na które jest narażony niekompletny obiekt. Jednocześnie charakterystyka ruin sprawia, że większość interesariuszy wspiera odbudowę zabytkowych ruin do formy obiektów kubaturowych. Dlatego problem ochrony ruin powinien być ponownie opracowany od strony teoretycznej i praktycznej. Z teoretycznego punktu widzenia ważne jest odróżnienie „ruiny historycznej” i „ruiny współczesnej”. Z praktycznego punktu widzenia kluczowe jest zorganizowanie programów ochrony, które zrównoważą negatywne cechy ruin – oprócz powstrzymania procesów technicznego zniszczenia, umożliwią również ich współczesne zagospodarowanie i użytkowanie

    Osiedle “Dyrekcja” w Chełmie – ocena założenia po 80 latach od rozpoczęcia budowy

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    District “Dyrekcja” built in the year 1928-1939 was regarded the second after the Gdynia largest investment of the period between world wars due to its size number of houses. The district represents the whole set of the values resulting the ideological programme (national symbolism), spatial composition, coherent architectural form of the buildings and their technical characteristics. The presented article is aimed as a complex evaluation of the district “Dyrekcja” after 80 years of its foundation.Wybudowanego w latach 1928-1939 osiedle „Dyrekcja”, ze względu na swoją powierzchnię, ilość i kubaturę budynków uważane było za drugą po Gdyni największą inwestycję okresu międzywojennego. Osiedle reprezentuje cały zespół wartości, wynikających z jego programu ideowego (symboliki państwowej), układu przestrzennego, spójnej formy architektonicznej zabudowy i charakterystyki technicznej budynków. Artykuł niniejszy ma na celu, próbę dokonania szeroko rozumianej oceny stanu założenia, po 80-latach od rozpoczęcia budowy